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Check out the CFMS Weekly Announcements for important info!

Posted Date: 1/06/25 (5:30 PM)

CFMS Weekly Announcements
January 6 - 11
Students return to school on Tuesday, January 7. ​
Welcome back, Cardinals! School resumes for students on Tuesday, January 7. We can’t wait to see you all back at school on Tuesday!

Remember: #AttendanceMatters! When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their chances for academic success and graduating from high school and college. By #ShowingUpTogether, we can improve student learning outcomes for every student!
welcome back!
Meet the Cardinals Community Pep Rally is Tuesday night! ​
#CardinalPride - We’re excited to continue our new Camden Fairview: Meet the Cardinals Community Pep Rally tradition!

On Tuesday, January 7, we’ll introduce 7th-12th grade student-athletes in all winter and spring sports at 6PM on the Pastor Eddie R. Moore, Jr. Court at CFHS.

7th-12th Grade Teams:
▪️Boys Basketball
▪️Girls Basketball
▪️Track & Field
▪️Shooting Sports

Come Meet the Cardinals and enjoy performances by CFHS Band, Varsity Cheer, and Diamond Dancers!
meet the cards
This week is a regular dismissal Wednesday. ​
During the 2024-2025 school year, only the first and third Wednesdays of each month will be 1-Hour Early Out Wednesdays. The next Early Out Wednesday is January 15.

The remaining Early Out Wednesday dates for the year are:

February 5
February 19

March 5
March 19

April 2
April 16

May 7
May 21

All Wednesdays not listed above will be regular dismissal times.
CFMS Yearbooks are on sale now!
Order online here to purchase your yearbook today. Students may also grab a pull tab from one of the flyers in the hallway. Be sure to purchase a yearbook so that you don’t miss out on the yearbook signing lunch at the end of the school year!
Order your yearbook today!
It's report card time! Students will bring report cards home on Thursday, January 9. Remember you can monitor your child's grades and attendance using HAC.

Wear your House colors every Wednesday!
Message from the Principal:
Good evening, CFMS families! At the December 17th meeting, the Camden Fairview School Board voted to make CFMS a phone-free space using a program called Yondr. This is a pilot program to collect data on the impact of phone-free learning environments on teaching and learning. I wanted you to hear directly from me about our next steps at CFMS.

First, there will be no immediate changes while we wait to receive the implementation materials from Yondr. All students who bring a cell phone or other electronic device to school will still be expected to keep the device off or on silent and in their backpack or locker during the school day until we implement the Yondr pouches. We will keep you updated on when we expect to begin using the Yondr pouches.

Second, we will begin sharing related daily procedures with staff and students this week. We are also planning a family night to review expectations and procedures with all parents/guardians before implementation. We will share meeting details soon.

More information is available on the CFSD website at the following links:

We appreciate your support. Thank you.

Ka'Misha Davis
CFMS Principal
CFMS Daily Bell Schedule
GEAR UP Arkansas Monthly Newsletter:
Gear Up page 1
Gear up page 2
CFMS Birthdays:
Happy birthday to our CFMS students and staff celebrating this week!


Tuesday: Kayden Endel

Wednesday: Logan Phillips and A’Lyssa Tucker

Thursday: Ledger Lamkin


Over the Weekend:
Events this week
​January 5 - 11
January 6
  • CFSD | Eductaors' Professional Development Day

January 7
  • CFSD | School resumes for students
  • CFSD | Meet the Cardinals: Community Pep Rally | 6:00 PM

January 8
  • No events.

January 9
  • CFSD | Report cards sent home
  • CFHS/CFMS | 8B/9G/9B vs. Arkadelphia | 4:30 PM *

January 10
  • No events.

January 11
  • CFMS | 7B Jamboree | CFHS Gym
  • CFMS | 7G Jamboree @ Arkadelphia (leave CFHS Gym at 8:30 AM)

*Please remember the Clear Bag Policy will be in effect for all events in CFSD athletic venues. Click here for more information.
Looking ahead
Jan. 15 | Early Out Wednesday

Jan. 20 | No School - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Jan. 21 | Monthly School Board Meeting | 6:30 PM

Jan. 23 | CFMS School Spelling Bee | 12:50 PM
Jan. 30 | 100th Day of School
Calendar and Important Dates
Cardinal Athletics
​Winter Sports Schedules are available now! ​
Check out the Cardinal Athletics webpage for season schedules for Cardinal Basketball, Lady Cardinal Basketball, and Lady Cardinal Gymnastics.
Important reminders for all CFSD events
All students are expected to be on their best behavior and follow all school policies, including the dress code, while attending school events. Students will be banned from after school activities if they are involved in any fights, disrespectful towards administration or any school personnel, or if any prohibited items are found on them or in their vehicles during an event.

6-12 grade students will have 20 minutes after school activities end to leave campus. Students should notify parents ahead of time to let them know what time the activity will end. Announcements are made prior to the activity ending to remind students to contact parents.

We appreciate your support and look forward to cheering on all Cardinal student-athletes together!
Cardinal Athletics Schedules
Attendance matters
Attendance matters
At Camden Fairview, we believe that #AttendanceMatters and that absences are lost opportunities to learn in the classroom. Let's make the most of learning at school every day possible! Some absences are unavoidable, but it’s important that students are at school from bell-to-bell as often as possible.

Regular attendance is often an indicator of higher academic performance. Students who are at #SchoolEveryDay also do better academically in middle school and are more likely to graduate high school.
Important links
Stay Connected: District News
CFMS Menus
2024-2025 Info
Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. Classroom concerns should always be shared with your child's teacher first.

You can reach out to CFMS administrators in the following ways:

  • (870) 836-9361