CFMS Weekly Announcements
February 3 - 8
Reminders and announcements:
Good evening, CFMS families! As I shared in early January, CFMS is part of a pilot program to collect data on the impact of phone-free learning environments on teaching and learning, and we have been preparing for the implementation of the Yondr electronic device pouches. Here are our next steps. We hope you will join us on Monday, February 10, at 5:30 PM for the family meeting.
Wednesday, February 5: CFMS staff meeting to review the new policy and discuss Yondr pouch arrival and dismissal procedures.
Friday, February 7: Meeting with CFMS students to review Yondr pouch arrival and dismissal procedures.
Monday, February 10: CFMS Family Meeting. CFMS administrators will meet with CFMS families at 5:30 PM in the CFMS Auditorium to share expectations and information on the Yondr pouch implementation.
Thursday, February 13, and Friday, February 14: Students will begin bringing Yondr pouches daily. These two days will act as a test of our plan to allow us a chance to adapt and adjust if needed.
Tuesday, February 18: Students will use Yondr pouches daily to store all electronic devices. Please carefully review the new policy and disciplinary consequences found on pages 44-46 of the CFMS Student Handbook. In the event of lost or damaged pouches, students will be responsible for the total replacement cost per pouch/container.
We appreciate your support. Thank you.
Happy Black History Month!
We’re celebrating Black History Month by highlighting African-Americans at the local, state, and national levels who have blazed trails, widened paths, and inspired the next generation.
George S. Ivory, Sr. (1910-1998) was an educator who devoted forty years to public education in Arkansas. He was the Lincoln High School principal for nine years and the Camden Junior High Principal for five years. Ivory Intermediate School, formerly known as Ivory Primary School, was named in honor of Mr. Ivory and his positive impact on Camden’s students. Today, the educators at Ivory Intermediate remain committed to carrying out his educational philosophy: “There isn’t a child that can’t be reached. Children need love and understanding.”
Happy National School Counseling Week!
We are celebrating National School Counseling Week from February 3-7! Our school counselors are committed to helping Camden Fairview students explore their abilities, strengths, and interests, while helping Cardinal families focus on ways to further their children's academic and social development. We are so thankful for our amazing school counselors and mental health therapists!
- CFMS: Shelia Griffith and Quintin Radford
- District Mental Health Therapists: Tina Embry, Megan Launius, and Kari Center
Please share a message of appreciation using this form: https://forms.gle/HuDBs3tLN3YLW42T7
This week is a 1-hour Early Out Wednesday.
We will dismiss one hour early this Wednesday, February 5. During the 2024-2025 school year, only the first and third Wednesdays of each month will be 1-Hour Early Out Wednesdays.
The remaining Early Out Wednesday dates for the year are:
February 19
March 5
March 19
April 2
April 16
May 7
May 21
All Wednesdays not listed above will be regular dismissal times.
CFMS Yearbooks are on sale now!
Wear your House colors every Wednesday!
The CFMS Sneaker Ball will be on Friday March 14. The cost to attend is $10, and the last day to pay is March 13.
Happy birthday to our CFMS students and staff celebrating this week!
Monday: Damien Phelps and Micah Sledge
Tuesday: Logan Hines, Peyton Roberston, Genesis Rodriguez, Carmello Thrower, and Shylah Word
Wednesday: No Birthdays
Thursday: MaKaria Pickett
Friday: No Birthdays
Over the weekend: No Birthdays
February 3
- CFHS/CFMS | 8B/9G/9B Basketball @ DeQueen | 5:00 PM
February 4
February 5
- CFMS | Be Pro Be Proud Truck for 8th Graders
- CFSD | 1-hour Early Dismissal
February 6
- CFHS/CFMS | 8B/9G/9B Basketball vs. Hope | 4:30 PM *
February 7
- CFHS/CFMS | Lady Cardinal Gymnastics Meet @ CFHS Multi | 4:15 PM *
February 8
- CFHS | 9G/9B Basketball District Tournament at Magnolia | TBD
February 10 | CFMS Family Meeting re Yondr Pouches | 5:30 PM | CFMS Auditorium
February 17 | No School - Presidents' Day
February 18 & 20 | Parent Teacher Conferences | 3:30-6:30
February 21 | No School - Staff PD
February 24-28 - State ATLAS Testing
March 13 | CFMS Sneaker Ball
CFMS 7 & 8 Grade Cheer:
- March 22 | Mandatory Parents Meeting | 4:00-5:00 PM
- March 31 - April 4 | Clinic Week
- April 5 | Tryouts | 8:00 AM
Come support the Cardinals and Lady Cardinals!
Important reminders for all CFSD events
All students are expected to be on their best behavior and follow all school policies, including the dress code, while attending school events. Students will be banned from after school activities if they are involved in any fights, disrespectful towards administration or any school personnel, or if any prohibited items are found on them or in their vehicles during an event.
6-12 grade students will have 20 minutes after school activities end to leave campus. Students should notify parents ahead of time to let them know what time the activity will end. Announcements are made prior to the activity ending to remind students to contact parents.
We appreciate your support and look forward to cheering on all Cardinal student-athletes together!
At Camden Fairview, we believe that #AttendanceMatters and that absences are lost opportunities to learn in the classroom. Let's make the most of learning at school every day possible! Some absences are unavoidable, but it’s important that students are at school from bell-to-bell as often as possible.
Regular attendance is often an indicator of higher academic performance. Students who are at #SchoolEveryDay also do better academically in middle school and are more likely to graduate high school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. Classroom concerns should always be shared with your child's teacher first.
You can reach out to CFMS administrators in the following ways:
- (870) 836-9361
- kadavis@cfcards.net
- www.cfms.cfsd.k12.ar.us